I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
A few months back several of my African Violets were blooming, and I thought it would be fun to share them with you. African Violets have always been a favorite of mine . Immediately John 15:5 came to mind in planning to share my violets. Just as these violets must have the vine to flourish with beautiful leaves and flowers, so must we abide in the True Vine to flourish in our lives.
How do we abide in the Vine? First of all a personal relationship with Jesus- asking Jesus to forgive our sins, and be Lord and Master of our lives.
Second, we remain attached to the Vine by spending time in God’s word, The Bible. Study His word, memorize it, dwell on it, and apply it in our lives (Rooted and Watered).
Third, we abide in the Vine through prayer. Prayer is so important to a Christ follower. Through prayer, a Christ follower receives direction for life (growth), is convicted of sin and receives forgiveness (pruning), and realizes true comfort, strength, and joy (flourishes).
Fourth, we remain in the Vine when we obey Him, and share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ! (Bearing Fruit).
We have just embarked into a new year. Many have looked ahead to 2021 with hope and anticipation for a better year than 2020. Whatever 2021 holds for us, the best thing we can do this year is abide in the True Vine, Jesus Christ. Remember as we abide in Him, we will be rooted and watered. We will grow, be pruned, flourish, and bear fruit for Him. After Jesus talks about abiding in Him, He talks about joy. Was your joy lacking in 2020? Listen to Jesus’ words in John 15:11 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Let’s abide in Jesus this year, and experience true joy!
I love this, Jackie! And, your violets are beautiful!🙏🏻❤️
Your African violets are beautiful! They are not the easiest plants to care for. I’m looking forward to your encouraging words and pictures!