Grace Bible For Kids

The Grace Bible for Kids is a wonderful Bible designed to enhance readability for kids with all levels and varieties of dyslexia and other reading challenges.  I love the large typeface (11-point type size) with added space between letters, words, lines, and paragraphs, and the overall design of this Bible for kids!  Another useful and innovative feature of the Grace Bible for Kids is colored page overlays to help enhance visual processing.    

I also, love the many study help pages throughout this Bible including The Names of God, The Books of the Minor Prophets, The Apostles of Jesus, etc.   The colors of the included maps are amazing!

Grace Bible for Kids is available in Blue LeatherTouch (shown here) or in hardcover.  Grace Bible is also available for adults in Brown LeatherTouch or Charcoal Cloth Over Board.

You can order your copy today by clicking HERE.


Grace Bible For Kids Features Include:

  • Inclusive Grace typeface, layout, and design
  • ​Enhances readability for all levels and varieties of dyslexia and other reading challenges
  • Unique, colored page overlays included to further enhance visual processing
  • Complete text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB)
  • 40 insert pages with study helps and maps to help connect kids to Scripture
  • Bible skills checklist and summaries of Bible books and divisions
  • Large, 11-point type size
  • Durable Smyth-sewn, lay-flat binding
  • Black letter text
  • Ribbon marker
  • Presentation page for gift-giving
  • 6” x 9” page size


Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


1 copy of CSB Grace Bible for Kids (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)  To enter to win,  please comment with your First and Last Name, email address, and the feature you would be most excited about in the comments below.   One winner will be chosen to receive this beautiful Bible at random and notified by email from  Deadline to enter is Thursday, December 13, 2024.

#GraceKidsBibleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust Review & Giveaway

The latest installment in the God’s Not Dead Faith Film Franchise is in movie theaters today!   Wow, it is so good, and such a timely message!  This film challenges believers to boldly stand against evil, and to stand firm in expressing their faith in the public arena.  One important takeaway from this film is the importance of Christians voting!   I learned some alarming facts in preparation for this review- 40 million Christians do not vote, 25 million are registered, but don’t vote, and 15 million aren’t even registered.   God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is a much-needed wake-up call for Christians today!  The film is well-written, and the acting is superb!  I promise you will be inspired, challenged, and captivated by the message of God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust!


In a time of profound political, civil, and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill grapples with a crucial question: Does God still have a place in politics? Following the unexpected death of a favored congressional incumbent, David feels compelled to enter the race, challenging the increasing efforts to remove religious influence from public policy. Facing off against state senator Peter Kane, a formidable opponent determined to create greater division by pushing religion out of the public square, David must navigate the treacherous waters of modern politics, where his faith, optimism, and principles are put to the ultimate test. As he confronts adversaries from his past and faces relentless scrutiny, David’s campaign becomes a beacon of hope for many who yearn for spiritual and moral leadership in a divided nation. God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust explores the enduring relevance of faith in public life and the fight to keep religious values at the heart of governance.


The film stars David A. R. White (GOD’S NOT DEAD, Evening Shade), Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy) Dean Cain (Lois & Clark), Samaire Armstrong, (The O.C.), Ray Wise (ROBO COP), Scott Baio (Happy Days), Charlene Tilton (Dallas), with guest appearances by Governor Mike Huckabee and Newsboys.


Buy tickets (Link) today to see God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust in theaters starting September 12th!


$10 Amazon gift card (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)   To enter, please comment below with your favorite God’s Not Dead Film – God’s Not Dead, God’s Not Dead 2, God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness, God’s Not Dead: We the People.)  Deadline to enter is Friday, September 20, 2024.


Many thanks to Pinnacle Peak Pictures for providing a sample of the product for this
review. Opinions are 100% my own.

#InGodWeTrustMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork


Life In Christ Bible Review & Giveaway


(Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.)

Fall is in the air, and what better way to begin the season than with a new Bible review! The Life In Christ Bible is a great resource that I would highly recommend. The Bible tells us that we are created in His image.  What does that really mean though?  How do we conduct our lives knowing that we are His Image Bearers? Readers will learn what being image bearers of God means, and what our Identity in Christ looks like- how to live out our Identity in Christ in our everyday lives. The book introductions, chain-referenced notes, themes, articles, quotes, charts, and other resources found in this Bible all focus on practical application of being His image bearers.   It is comforting to know who God says we are in Him, challenging to know that He has purpose for our lives, and encouraging to know that as believers, we have identity in Christ.   All the above mentioned resources in this Bible will be a great help in discovering and living out our identity in Him!

What I really like about this Bible:

  • Side margin notes on many identity topics like “I Live With Hospitality”,  “I Worship”, “I Live With Love”, etc.
  • Charts like:  “In Christ” in the New Testament, “The Disciples”, Names and Titles of God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit”
  • Comfort Print- which means easy-to-read for my “older” eyes
  • Words of Christ in red print
  • Vivid Color Maps
  • Two different color ribbon markers
  • Lays flat
  • NKJV Version

If you would like to order a copy, here is a clickable link.

Giveaway: Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for a giveaway copy for one of my readers.    (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)

To enter please comment with a Bible verse that is speaking to your heart as we enter the new fall season and experience the beauty of God’s creation!  One winner will be chosen at random on Thursday, September 12, 2024.

#LifeInChristBibleMIN  #LifeinChristBible  @nelsonbibles

God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust

God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is coming to theatres on September 12th!   As a fan of all the God’s Not Dead movies, I’m excited to share the trailer for this new release in the God’s Not Dead series.  

Don’t miss this powerful film about the importance of Christians having a voice and standing up for what they believe in!

When a beloved congressional incumbent unexpectedly withdraws from the race, Reverend David Hill faces an old nemesis. Determined to ensure the voices of the faithful remain heard, he navigates a tense political landscape, rallying support and overcoming challenges to protect his community’s interests.

Remember to mark your calendars for September 12th!


Encountering God Study Bible Review & Giveaway!

(Many thanks to Harper Collins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.)


I am excited to give a review for the Encountering God Study Bible!  Henry Blackaby, who wrote the Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God Bible Study years ago, has greatly influenced many lives, including mine.   One takeaway from this influential study was “Look to see where God is at work, and join Him there.”  It’s probably been 30 years since I first did this study, but this one important aspect of knowing and doing God’s will has been a key element in my life with following God and the ministry and mission opportunities that I’ve been a part of over the last three decades.   This new study Bible contains continued wisdom and study help from Henry Blackaby and the Blackaby Family.

I love the description on the sleeve of the Bible: – “The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God.  People face many needs, some are physical, others are social or emotional.  Spiritual needs, however, can only be met by God Himself.   Every time we open God’s Word, we have the opportunity to experience a dramatic encounter with the living God that utterly transforms us.  The Encountering God Study Bible teaches you how to have daily encounters with God in the Bible, The content will encourage you to develop a regular habit of Bible reading and study.  Expect great life-change to happen as God acts to engage you in His Word.”

I think this description is a great summary of how this study Bible can be so beneficial to one’s spiritual walk with the Lord.   I love all the key features listed below.  Another thing I love about the Bible is the easy-to-read text which is a 9-point NKJV Comfort Print.  I received the Black Leathersoft copy which is a beautiful black leathersoft with a gold imprint design on the front cover and gold letters on the spine.  I also, find the two different color ribbon book markers to be a great feature.  If you are needing gift ideas for Mother’s Day, Graduation, or Father’s Day, the Encountering God Study Bible will not disappoint!   There are several options to choose from including hardback, brown leathersoft, black leathersoft, and black leather.

Information about Blackaby Ministries International:

“Blackaby Ministries International was founded by Henry Blackaby, who has pastored and planted numerous churches in Canada and the U.S. He has spoke n in 115 countries as well at the White House, the Pentagon, and to the United Nations.  He is best known for writing the best-selling Bible study book Experiencing God:  Knowing and Doing the Will of God. All five of Henry’s children have been called to full-time ministry, as have several of his grandchildren.  Blackaby Ministries International is now led by Henry’s eldest son, Dr. Richard Blackaby.


Study Bible key features include:
• Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His Word

• Notes explaining ideas, events, people and places in the text

• Word studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of figures from church history


• Notes to help you navigate current cultural issues



Links to Order your copy:

Order your copy of the Encountering God Study Bible today at either of these two links:


Thomas Nelson Bibles

#EncounteringGodStudyBibleMIN #EncounteringGodBible #MomentumInfluencerNetwork


1 Encountering God Study Bible (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)  To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Ordinary Angels Movie Review & Giveaway



Ordinary Angels is an inspiring movie that will be showing in theaters this weekend!   Based on a true story, Ordinary Angels takes you through the story of Ed who has recently been widowed as he is trying to recover from medical debt from his wife’s illness and death.   While working hard, Ed is also caring for his two daughters.  His youngest daughter is in critical need of a liver transplant.   Strapped with medical debt, it seems to be an impossible situation until Sharon,  a local hair-dresser reads about Ed’s family and the need for his daughter’s liver transplant in the local newspaper.    Sharon, who needs healing from her past, finds a sense of purpose as she stops at nothing to help Ed’s family with the medical debt and funds needed for his daughter’s liver transplant.  You will be inspired to serve others as you see  Sharon in action and a whole community come together to help get Ed’s daughter to her liver transplant during a terrible snowstorm.   You don’t want to miss this powerful film!

Ordinary Angels Filmmakers Kingdom Story Company has partnered with RIP Medical Debt to help make the impossible possible as they aim to eliminate 10,000,000 in medical debt relief.  Every $1 donated eliminates $100 in medical debt.  The gift of debt relief is life-changing—and every dollar makes a difference.  For more info on how you can donate, please click this LINK.

You can buy tickets today to see Ordinary Angels in theaters starting February 23rd!


$10 Amazon gift card   Note: This is limited to US winners only.  To enter please leave your first/last name and email address in the comments.   A winner will be chosen at random and notified by email from myself ( on February 28, 2024.

Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services, LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Old Testament Handbook & Giveaway!

B & H Publishing has a great new Bible study resource!  The Old Testament Handbook is a beautiful high-quality, foil-stamped cloth cover Smyth-sewn bound handbook complete with elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, illustrations, and other visual helps for every book of the Old Testament.


I love all the features!  Introductions, timelines, word studies, key quotes, outlines, & maps help bring the Old Testament to life and show how the Old Testament points to Jesus.  I also love that this handbook has so many tools combined in one place to help dig in depth into the Old Testament.  Tools that are right at my fingertips without spending a lot of time searching through many different resources.


The Old Testament Handbook would make a great Christmas gift!  You can purchase The Old Testament Handbook HERE.




$10 Amazon giftcard – (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)   To enter the drawing,  please comment on this post with your most recent Old Testament Bible study or a favorite Old Testament Bible verse.  Deadline to enter is Wednesday, December 6.


Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Journey to Bethlehem & FLASH Giveaway!


I have recently had the opportunity to review Journey to Bethlehem.   Yes, there has been a lot of social media negativity concerning this musical.   However, I would encourage you to watch Journey to Bethlehem.   As with any play or musical whether it’s your own church Christmas play, or at Sight and Sound Theatre, for example,  certain creative interpretations are made to build the story and engage the audience.   I think it is important though to hold to Biblical truth.   I think the storyline of Journey to Bethlehem is relatable yet Biblical.

Whether you like musicals or not, you’ll love the brand new music in this film, Journey to Bethlehem, starring Antonio Banderas, Milo Manheim, and more!   You can continue to enjoy the music with the soundtrack available HERE. The Journey to Bethlehem website also features many resources such as discussion guides and coloring sheets for children.


A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honor. A jealous king who will stop at nothing to keep his crown.
This live-action Christmas musical adventure for the entire family weaves classic Christmas melodies with humor, faith, and new pop songs in a retelling of the great-
est story ever told—the story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus. A unique new entry into the collection of holiday classic movies, this epic Christmas musical is unlike any before it. See JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM in theaters beginning November 10.




Tickets may be purchased HERE.


2 free tickets to see JTB in theaters!  (Note: This is limited to US winners only.  TO ENTER:   PLEASE COMMENT SAYING YOU WOULD LIKE TO  HAVE FREE TICKETS TO SEE JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM THIS WEEKEND.  Tickets must be used by November 20.   This is a flash giveaway so you must comment TODAY, NOVEMBER 16, by 3:00 pm Eastern.


Many thanks to AFFIRM Films, Inc. for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


New Review & Giveaway – Fighting For the Soul of Your Child

“Fighting for the Soul of Your Child” by Jimmy and Karen Evans is a powerful guide for parents seeking to nurture and raise their child in today’s ever-evolving world.”

“This book equips parents with the tools and knowledge they need to raise resilient spiritually grounded, and emotionally healthy children.”

Fighting For the Soul of Your Child is a practical guide to Biblical Parenting.   Chapter One begins with our purpose as individuals- to know and love God – and introduces the focus of the book – The Parent Purpose- based on Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  From this verse – The Parent Purpose is established- “to teach and train your child to know and love God. ”   I really enjoyed learning about the Hebrew word for “train”  (chanak) which basically comes down to the fact that we aren’t only talking as we train our children, but we should be “living it out in front of them” as well.

Fighting For the Soul of Your Child really delves into some tough topics that parents face raising children in an ungodly world with real-life stories and examples that illustrate the principles discussed in the book.   The Evans covers the need for armor – The Armor of God, and its necessity in fighting for the soul of our children.  A quote I really like is “Your child is a gift, and their soul is a worthy battle.”

This lifelong resource- Fighting for the Soul of your Child is available now from the XO Marriage Store.  You can use code MIN25 for 25% off your book purchase.

GIVEAWAY:   1 physical copy of Fighting For the Soul of Your Child.   Please add a comment to this post sharing if you would enjoy this resource for yourself, or if you would like to gift a copy to someone you know to be entered for a random drawing for the giveaway.  Please comment by 11/10/2023 to be entered.

DISCLOSURE:  Many thanks to XO Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review.  Opinions are 100% my own.  

The Blind & A Giveaway



It’s fall ya’ll!   Are you looking for some fun fall activities?   I have a great one to suggest.   The Blind Movie (The True Story of the Robertson Family) is now showing in theaters FOR ONE WEEK ONLY!   For years, our family enjoyed the Duck Dynasty Series because it was evident that the Robertsons’ faith was genuine and their family values were important.   The Robertson Family continues to be genuine in sharing their faith and family values.   Phil’s story of rebellion and coming to a place in his life of accepting Jesus is very compelling and encouraging. I appreciate Phil & his family’s desire to be transparent and share the hope of Jesus and His redeeming love with others.   I am encouraged that they continue to stand firm in their faith and speak the name of Jesus in today’s world.   I would wholeheartedly encourage everyone to go see The Blind this weekend!



The Blind is a powerful true story that showcases God’s redemptive power to change our lives when we surrender to Him!

Long before Phil Robertson was a reality TV star, he fell in love, started a family, and began to spiral out of control. THE BLIND shares never-before-revealed moments in Phil’s life as he seeks to conquer the shame of his past, ultimately finding redemption in an unlikely place.




GIVEAWAY:   $10 Amazon Gift card-   To enter please leave a comment on this post by October 5, 2023, sharing a few of the fun activities you are planning to enjoy this fall.  One of my readers will be picked at random to win the $10 Amazon gift card.


DISCLOSURE:  Many thanks to Tread Lively for providing a sample of the product for this review.  Opinions are 100% my own.