Yesterday, I had the opportunity to spend some time sewing with the ladies from my church. These ladies are a great encouragment to me and many others as their love for Jesus is manifested through this sewing ministry. Quilts, feminine pads, diaper bags, and dresses have blessed others in at least three different continents (and maybe more) since these ladies started this sewing minstry several years ago. Sewing individually or meeting together on 5th Sundays, our ladies are committed to serving the Lord through this ministry.
Sewing Blankets
Sewing Quilts
Cutting and Pinning
Diaper Bags
Let me encourage us this week as we go about our every day lives that “it is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Col 3:24b) Ecclesiastes 9:10a says “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” Let’s serve Him with our all our heart & hands!