“Fighting for the Soul of Your Child” by Jimmy and Karen Evans is a powerful guide for parents seeking to nurture and raise their child in today’s ever-evolving world.”
“This book equips parents with the tools and knowledge they need to raise resilient spiritually grounded, and emotionally healthy children.”
Fighting For the Soul of Your Child is a practical guide to Biblical Parenting. Chapter One begins with our purpose as individuals- to know and love God – and introduces the focus of the book – The Parent Purpose- based on Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” From this verse – The Parent Purpose is established- “to teach and train your child to know and love God. ” I really enjoyed learning about the Hebrew word for “train” (chanak) which basically comes down to the fact that we aren’t only talking as we train our children, but we should be “living it out in front of them” as well.
Fighting For the Soul of Your Child really delves into some tough topics that parents face raising children in an ungodly world with real-life stories and examples that illustrate the principles discussed in the book. The Evans covers the need for armor – The Armor of God, and its necessity in fighting for the soul of our children. A quote I really like is “Your child is a gift, and their soul is a worthy battle.”
This lifelong resource- Fighting for the Soul of your Child is available now from the XO Marriage Store. You can use code MIN25 for 25% off your book purchase.
GIVEAWAY: 1 physical copy of Fighting For the Soul of Your Child. Please add a comment to this post sharing if you would enjoy this resource for yourself, or if you would like to gift a copy to someone you know to be entered for a random drawing for the giveaway. Please comment by 11/10/2023 to be entered.
DISCLOSURE: Many thanks to XO Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
I would love to give this to my brother who is raising 3 kids!