It’s Time to Pack Backpacks!

A couple of years ago I heard about a great ministry called Appalachian Christmas Outreach.  Through this outreach backpacks are distributed around Christmas to areas in need in the Appalachian region.   Last year our church had the opportunity to deliver backpacks to Ministry of Salvation Church in Steubenville, Ohio.   We had a great time meeting Mrs. Dianna who coordinated the effort at Ministry of Salvation.  She made us feel right at home from the beginning!   We enjoyed meeting lots of sweet children receiving backpacks, and shared a fellowship meal with the children and parents.   It was a great time to share the love of Jesus with our new friends!  We plan to go back to Ministry of Salvation again this December!

Mrs. Dianna


Preparing Treat Bags


Giving Out Backpacks


More Backpacks


Sweet Kids


It’s time to pack backpacks again!  North Carolina has set a goal of 12,000 backpacks this year!  In our association, we have set a goal of 500 backpacks!   You might ask “What is in each backpack?”   Each backpack should include a Bible, The Christmas Story, a new toy, non-perishable pop-top canned food items, hygiene items, and small clothing items such as mittens, hats, socks, etc.   Instructions for packing can be found here.

The collection day for the backpacks is November 3rd.   Collection Sites are listed here.  I hope you will consider joining this effort to bless the children of the Appalachian region, and share the love of Jesus with them!

North Carolina is not the only state who packs backpacks for this important outreach!  There are 10 partner states!

Listed below are links to the other state’s backpack info.



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