Will You Sponsor a Child?


One of the joys I have been priviledged to experience over the past six years is sponsoring a child through Compassion International.

Leading mission trips to Ecuador for my church for the past several years, I had the opportunity to see Compassion at work in a Compassion Center located at a church where we helped conduct a Vacation Bible School in 2013.   I was impressed to say the least.   At this center, the children were fed a nutritious meal each day.   These meals smelled wonderful, and I’m sure were a blessing to these kids!    Upon coming back home, I felt led to sponsor a child from Ecuador.

Child sponsorship has been a blessing for me.   During the past six years I was able to meet my child twice while on my annual mission trip to Ecuador.   I’ve been able to volunteer with Compassion through Compassion Sunday, and at events like concerts as a table volunteer helping to recruit new sponsors.  I have recently joined a group of Compassion Bloggers, and we have a goal this month (7 days of June left!) of 50 children being sponsored!   Would you help us reach this goal?

You might ask – “How does sponsoring help a child?   First and most important, they are taught about Jesus through a relationship with a local church (Compassion Centers).  Sponsored children receive LOVE,  health care and supplements to help with malnutrition, education,  and recreation-   Here are the specific benefits:

  • The opportunity to receive an education:In some cases, this means providing the cost of school fees, clothing and supplies. In other cases, it means providing tutoring, help with homework, encouragement and, if necessary, participation in a literacy program outside the classroom. Your sponsorship will allow one special child to stay in school longer if formal schooling is an option and get the most out of his or her education.
  • The opportunity to be healthy:The health of the child you sponsor will be monitored and care will be provided as needed. Children are taught about hygiene and how to maintain personal health. In addition, and according to their needs, many of the children we assist receive supplementary food.
  • The opportunity to develop self-confidence and social skills:The child you sponsor will be part of a church-based program where Christian adults offer love, guidance, personal attention, guided recreation and safety.
  • The opportunity to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus:Most important, your sponsorship provides the child you sponsor with regular Bible training and encouragement through a local church committed to Christ and the children in its community.

Children can be sponsored through Compassion for $38 monthly.   One of the wonderful things about sponsoring a child is writing your child letters, and receiving letters from your child!   Would you like to share the love of Jesus with someone?   Through writing letters, you can share what Jesus has and is doing in your life with the child.   You can encourage them with Bible verses, and letting them know that you care specifically about them.   Just sharing your life with them makes a huge difference in their lives!

Please prayfully consider sponsoring a child today!   Here’s the link again if you feel led to sponsor!    I would love to hear from you if you decide to sponsor a child.   Email me or comment below.   Thank you for considering this opportunity to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus!  Below are some pictures from 2013, where we taught VBS at the church with the Compassion Center that first began my sponorship journey.

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