Weekly Threads of Encouragement- “Be a Barnabas”

On the weekends, I usually read devotions from Our Daily Bread.   Today’s devotion fits so perfectly with the purpose of this blog.   It is my desire and goal to “Be a Barnabas” to all my readers whether through sharing encouraging Bible verses, devotions, Bible journaling or artwork, sharing about ministries, sewing projects, essential oils, good deals I find, or just everyday life.  Social media makes our lives look so great, but we all know that is not always the case.   We all struggle with difficult situations.   They may be health related, finances, relationships, emotions, etc.   Bottom line –  We all struggle.   That’s why encouragment is needful and necessary.   Speaking life to each other, prayers, being a mentor to someone, acts of kindness-  they are all so important!    Let’s all try to “Be a Barnabas” to someone God places in our paths this next week!  Please, if you have a chance, read The Blessing of Encouragers on Our Daily Bread (September 22, 2018).

Helping our “Son” Mauricio move into his apartment


Emma getting Mauricio’s dishes ready to use.



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