Life In Christ Bible Review & Giveaway


(Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.)

Fall is in the air, and what better way to begin the season than with a new Bible review! The Life In Christ Bible is a great resource that I would highly recommend. The Bible tells us that we are created in His image.  What does that really mean though?  How do we conduct our lives knowing that we are His Image Bearers? Readers will learn what being image bearers of God means, and what our Identity in Christ looks like- how to live out our Identity in Christ in our everyday lives. The book introductions, chain-referenced notes, themes, articles, quotes, charts, and other resources found in this Bible all focus on practical application of being His image bearers.   It is comforting to know who God says we are in Him, challenging to know that He has purpose for our lives, and encouraging to know that as believers, we have identity in Christ.   All the above mentioned resources in this Bible will be a great help in discovering and living out our identity in Him!

What I really like about this Bible:

  • Side margin notes on many identity topics like “I Live With Hospitality”,  “I Worship”, “I Live With Love”, etc.
  • Charts like:  “In Christ” in the New Testament, “The Disciples”, Names and Titles of God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit”
  • Comfort Print- which means easy-to-read for my “older” eyes
  • Words of Christ in red print
  • Vivid Color Maps
  • Two different color ribbon markers
  • Lays flat
  • NKJV Version

If you would like to order a copy, here is a clickable link.

Giveaway: Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for a giveaway copy for one of my readers.    (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)

To enter please comment with a Bible verse that is speaking to your heart as we enter the new fall season and experience the beauty of God’s creation!  One winner will be chosen at random on Thursday, September 12, 2024.

#LifeInChristBibleMIN  #LifeinChristBible  @nelsonbibles

Encountering God Study Bible Review & Giveaway!

(Many thanks to Harper Collins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.)


I am excited to give a review for the Encountering God Study Bible!  Henry Blackaby, who wrote the Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God Bible Study years ago, has greatly influenced many lives, including mine.   One takeaway from this influential study was “Look to see where God is at work, and join Him there.”  It’s probably been 30 years since I first did this study, but this one important aspect of knowing and doing God’s will has been a key element in my life with following God and the ministry and mission opportunities that I’ve been a part of over the last three decades.   This new study Bible contains continued wisdom and study help from Henry Blackaby and the Blackaby Family.

I love the description on the sleeve of the Bible: – “The deepest need of every human heart is to encounter God.  People face many needs, some are physical, others are social or emotional.  Spiritual needs, however, can only be met by God Himself.   Every time we open God’s Word, we have the opportunity to experience a dramatic encounter with the living God that utterly transforms us.  The Encountering God Study Bible teaches you how to have daily encounters with God in the Bible, The content will encourage you to develop a regular habit of Bible reading and study.  Expect great life-change to happen as God acts to engage you in His Word.”

I think this description is a great summary of how this study Bible can be so beneficial to one’s spiritual walk with the Lord.   I love all the key features listed below.  Another thing I love about the Bible is the easy-to-read text which is a 9-point NKJV Comfort Print.  I received the Black Leathersoft copy which is a beautiful black leathersoft with a gold imprint design on the front cover and gold letters on the spine.  I also, find the two different color ribbon book markers to be a great feature.  If you are needing gift ideas for Mother’s Day, Graduation, or Father’s Day, the Encountering God Study Bible will not disappoint!   There are several options to choose from including hardback, brown leathersoft, black leathersoft, and black leather.

Information about Blackaby Ministries International:

“Blackaby Ministries International was founded by Henry Blackaby, who has pastored and planted numerous churches in Canada and the U.S. He has spoke n in 115 countries as well at the White House, the Pentagon, and to the United Nations.  He is best known for writing the best-selling Bible study book Experiencing God:  Knowing and Doing the Will of God. All five of Henry’s children have been called to full-time ministry, as have several of his grandchildren.  Blackaby Ministries International is now led by Henry’s eldest son, Dr. Richard Blackaby.


Study Bible key features include:
• Notes highlighting how God might choose to encounter you in His Word

• Notes explaining ideas, events, people and places in the text

• Word studies, character studies, and biographical sketches of figures from church history


• Notes to help you navigate current cultural issues



Links to Order your copy:

Order your copy of the Encountering God Study Bible today at either of these two links:


Thomas Nelson Bibles

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1 Encountering God Study Bible (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)  To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Life Counsel Bible & Giveaway!

I have another review and giveaway!   The Life Counsel Bible (Christian Standard Bible) has so many wonderful articles and features related to life struggles and issues that are common to our everyday lives bringing Biblical counseling to the forefront of these issues and how we can respond Biblically.   For instance, one article is “Helping a Hurting Friend Bringing the Hope of Christ in Hard Times.”   The article addresses “What does the Bible say about Godly Friendships?” “Growing as a Godly Friend” “Love Listens Well” “Love never Compromises” and “Caring for Your Friends Biblically and Effectively” plus more in just this one article.   Word studies of Hebrew and Greek words relating to the myriad of counseling issues are included throughout this Bible.  The Life Counsel Bible is a great resource and would be a great gift!


The Life Counsel Bible is like having a complete biblical counseling toolkit in one resource!   Have you ever felt stressed, or been anxious, or experienced grief? Have you ever wanted to know how to help a loved one through addiction, or marital conflict, or parenting challenges?  The Life Counsel Bible provides practical wisdom for all, equipping readers with biblical truth and counsel on a wide range of topics and tough life issues. With over 150+ articles this Bible is full of useful tools and resources for life application and discipleship. It’s great for couples, parents, ministry leaders, and anyone who has ever struggled with tough life issues (yep, that’s all of us!). Check out today to see a full list of articles and order your copy HERE!


• More than 150 full-length articles from respected Christian counselors and scholars on topics like anxiety, depression, abuse, sexuality, marriage and divorce, parenting struggles, finances (full list available at

• Callout quotes placed near each article provide truth, hope, and encouragement to apply to life

• Over 100-word studies focusing on key words applicable to personal healing, growth, and counsel

• Book introductions including “Circumstances of Writing,” “Structure,” “Contribution to the Bible,” and a special “Truth for Healing” section with an over-
view of key truths related to healing from each book of the Bible

• Wide margins for notetaking and journaling

• Robust page-end cross-reference system with over 25,000 cross-references connecting Scripture from Genesis to Revelation

• Easy-to-read 9.5-point type size

• Presentation page for gift-giving (this makes a great wedding/parenting gift!



$10 Amazon gift card (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)  Please comment on this post with how you think The Life Counsel Bible would be helpful to you and everyday life.  Deadline to enter is Dec. 6.


Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

The Daily Grace Company Hymn Studies

The Daily Grace Company has their new Hymn Studies available now.   Use the code HYMNS to get 20% off and a FREE set of Hymn cards with each study! The studies are available individually or in a discounted set! (Click on highlighted link or picture.)


(This post contains affiliate links. When you make a purchase by clicking through my links, I will be compensated at no cost to you. Threads of Encouragement uses affiliate links and ads to help support this site.)

Waiting for Advent Study

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I received my Waiting for Advent Study from The Daily Grace Co. today.   I’m very excited to dig into this study this Advent season!   Right now, you can shop the Advent Collection from The Daily Grace Co. and receive 20% off plus a free set of verse cards if you order the Waiting for Advent Study.



(This post contains affiliate links. When you make a purchase by clicking through my links, I will be compensated at no cost to you. Threads of Encouragement uses affiliate links and ads to help support this site.)